DexProtector 7.0.9 Released

We are happy to announce the release of DexProtector 7 that includes the support of the official Android 7 (Nougat) and what is the most important - all the protection mechanisms are significantly improved in terms of performance.


  • Added support for official Android 7 (Nougat) (improvements)
  • Improvements of the CallHiding via Native invokedynamic Engine on x86 devices with Android 6.0.1


  • All the protection mechanisms were significantly optimized - protected applications start and work faster


  • Added support for Android Plugin for Gradle 2.2.0

We are constantly improving existing features and extending DexProtector Enterprise’s functionality so that you are ready to threats and challenges which today brings to the industry. DexProtector successfully fights them and it also helps you to be concentrated on the development. Basing on customer’s feedback we would like to recommend some features that are found extremely helpful: HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP), Tamper Notifications and Environment Checks and Device Attestation. As always we are aimed to simplicity, security, and robustness, that is why all these features require almost nothing to be done from your side. They just work and help you to protect the data that is being transferred between you and your clients. At the same time, it is immensely important to be sure your apps are not tampered with and be notified about a single attempt; DexProtector does this as well - we got you covered.

For your convenience, we created a DexProtector’s GitHub account where our leading security experts select interesting open source projects and create protection profiles for them. Here is the link:

Protection of applications for wearable and IOT devices is another great part of DexProtector Enterprise’s functionality. In the new version, we did a massive job optimizing the performance of the protection mechanisms and protected applications including its power consumption.