Who is using DexProtector already?
Dozens of World's largest corporations (according to Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000) use DexProtector Enterprise to protect their mobile applications. DexProtector is widely used all over the world. Top countries are the United States, South Korea, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Brazil, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Israel, Hong Kong, Turkey, South Africa, Cyprus, Kenya, China, Italy, Canada, India, Netherlands, Slovenia, Malaysia, Spain, Ghana, Thailand, Qatar, Kuwait, Switzerland, Indonesia, Austria and many others.
In particular, several applications from Google Play's Top are protected with the help of DexProtector.
The weak place of Android applications is their insecurity. Code analysis, reverse engineering and cracking of Android applications is not a very difficult task for a reverse engineer. There is a number of decompiling tools for Android applications on the market that produce amazingly readable source code. As a result, such sensitive places of applications as valuable logic, cryptography, licensing systems (for example, Google Play LVL), In-App Purchases and advertising get under the threat. The potential malefactor is able to remove the license check and advertizing from your application (and replace with his own one), and even add a harmful code to the application if it isn't safely protected. All these things can lead to the considerable reduction of your income from the application, and also other risks.
It is highly recommended to protect Android applications to avoid their unauthorized or illegal use. One of our clients from Germany describes this situation:
Our good client from Germany says:
It is very important to us that after applying DexProtector our user's applications become 'undecompilable'. It means that we are on the right way to data security. Let’s see what other people say. Our good client from Germany:
Our good client from Brazil:
And this answer to the question “What did you find as a result of implementing DexProtector?” is really amazing (our good client from US):
What is the best feature of DexProtector, what do our users like most of all? Here are the answers:
- string encryption
- integrity protection
- secured .apk file (which makes reverse engineering much more difficult)
- ability to encrypt just single strings
- ability to encrypt/hide api calls
Besides, our good clients from US noticed that:
Other clients, from Germany, point out several other benefits of the product:
Of course, there are other obfuscators for Android applications on the market. Some of our customers tested several tools and compared them on the basis of their own experience. Let’s see what they say. Our good client from Germany:
Our good client from US:
False positive problem
Some of our clients say that sometimes their application is identified as malware in antivirus after applying DexProtector. Let’s see the comment of our client from US:
You may also face this problem, so you should know what to do in such a situation. Our company has all the necessary business contacts with AV vendors, and our support team can efficiently solve such problems on your behalf. You only need to contact our technical support team if this problem exists.
And here is a feedback from a major AntiVirus Vendor's research team from UK:
Check it out now:

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